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Rabbi Jonathan Morgenstern grew up in Monsey, New York. Rabbi Morgenstern attended the Adoph Schreiber Hebrew Academy of Rockland (ASHAR) elementary school and went to Yeshiva University's MTA High School for boys. He learned Talmud in the morning and played hockey at night. The holy and the mundane intermingled in his life with a beautiful symmentry. It was during these formative years that Rabbi Morgenstern began thinking about a future career in Jewish education and the Rabbinate. He envisioned a movement infused with passion and warmth, as well as Rabbinic leaders that cultivate personal, lasting, relationships with their constituents.
Motivated by this vision, Rabbi Morgenstern spent his post high school studies at Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim, the Genesis Jerusalem Institute, in the Old City of Jerusalem, for a year and a half. He then attended Yeshiva University, where he earned his B.A. in Economics in 1999. Rabbi Morgenstern began his Rabbinic studies and training at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of YU and completed his training in 2002, receiving his Semicha (ordination) from Beit Midrash LeTalmud, an affiliate of the Lander College in Queens, NY. Concurrent to his Semicha studies, Rabbi Morgenstern also attended a Masters Program in General & Addictions Counseling at Pace University, where he earned his M.S. in Counseling in 2004.
Before assuming the role as the full- time Rabbi of the Young Israel, Rabbi Morgenstern taught Judaic Studies for 7 years at the Westchester Hebrew High School in Mamaroneck, NY from 1999-2006; during this time there, he also served as the school's: Spiritual/Mental Health Counselor, Hockey Coach, and Softball Coach. Rabbi Morgenstern then moved on to serve as an administrator at the Westchester Day School, in the role of Dean of Students for 2 years. He currently teaches a Senior elective course in Chassidut at the Frisch School, in Paramus, NJ. Chassidut is not only in his blood and lineage, its teachings animate his heart and soul. While Rabbi Morgenstern was paving his path in Jewish Education, he was also very much entrenched in Rabbinic and communal leadership roles. He has served on the Executive Committee of the Westchester Board of Rabbis, the RCA and as a member of the Legacy Group of Rabbis with the Orthodox Union. He currently serves on the Board of the UJA-Federation of NY and is a member of the AIPAC Leadership Circle.
Rabbi Morgenstern began his tenure at the Young Israel of Scarsdale in 2000 and was blessed to receive invaluable guidance and training from Rabbi Jacob S. Rubenstein z"l, Rabbi Emeritus. Rabbi Rubenstein z"l was and will always be a master teacher, cherished mentor, and beloved friend of Rabbi Morgenstern.
Rabbi Morgenstern lives his life and leads by the guiding principles of Emet - Truth, Ahava - Love and Am Yisrael. He prides himself on always trying to be sincere and compassionate to all Jews and all people he encounters; he models these ideals and seeks to engender them into others. He is committed to the Jewish People and the State of Israel, as they represent the bedrock from which all Jewish life emanates - here, and around the world. In this spirit, he has led exciting and impactful trips and missions for adults and families to Israel and Poland. He believes that if you give a Jew love, sincerity, warmth, support, and purpose then a nurturing and fulfilling Jewish community will grow. He further believes that if we are honest with ourselves, then our love for God, His Torah and His People will flourish.
Rabbi Morgenstern is a devoted family-man; he married his High School-sweetheart, Jordana, in 1998 and they currently reside in Scarsdale with their 4 children, Simon, Ayden, Ella and Jacob. They thank God for these wonderful blessings every single day.
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Rabbi Klinger, a native of Columbus, Ohio, joined the Young Israel of Scarsdale in 2015. Prior to arriving at YIS, Rabbi Klinger was a Rabbinic Intern at Congregation Ahavas Achim in Highland Park, NJ. Rabbi Klinger received Semicha from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary at Yeshiva University, a Masters in Medieval Jewish History from the Bernard Revel Graduate School at YU and a BA in Economics from the University of Michigan. In addition to his role as the Associate Rabbi at the Young Israel of Scarsdale, Rabbi Klinger teaches at the Ramaz Upper School. Rabbi Klinger and his wife, Aliza, have four adorable children, Yair, Aviva, Noam and Avishai.
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
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: 6:15am |
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: 7:45am |
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Purim Seudah Extravaganza : 4:45pm |
Candle Lighting : 6:42pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:50pm |
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Mincha : 6:45pm |
Havdalah : 7:43pm |
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Mar 14 Community Purim Seudah Friday, Mar 14 |
Mar 14 Purim Seudah Extravaganza Friday, Mar 14 4:45pm |
Mar 18 Shakespeare & Shiur w/ Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik Tuesday, Mar 18 7:30pm |
Mar 18 Tuesday Night Torah Tuesday, Mar 18 8:30pm |
Mar 25 Tuesday Night Torah Tuesday, Mar 25 8:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
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Friday, Mar 14, 6:42pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:43pm |
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Thursday, Mar 13 |
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