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Weekly Class Schedule

YIS is proud to offer a robust weekly programming schedule filled with a variety of live and on demand classes.


YIS Daf Yomi w/ Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein
Sunday 7:30am, Live Streaming/Zoom.
Monday-Friday 6:15am Live Streaming/Zoom
Women's Tehillim Recitation  9:30am
Tehillim Treasures w/ Rabbi Klinger, 8:00pm

Living by the Code...of Jewish Law
w/ Rabbi Nuri Klinger Tuesday after Shacharit Live Streaming/Zoom.

Torat Rav Kook: Insights on Talmudic Tales relating to Jewish Life and the Jewish Soul w/ Rabbi Morgenstern  Thursday after Shacharit Live Streaming/Zoom
"This Week's Parsha:" Uncovering the Hidden Dimension of the Weekly Torah Portion Friday after Shacharit w/ Rabbi Morgenstern Live Streaming/Zoom
Shabbat Morning  Post-Hashkama Learning Groups:
Insights on the Weekly Parsha, Mishna Berurah w/Dr. Steve Keller
Pirkei Avot w/Richard Bienenfeld Shabbat Afternoon in the Spring/Summer (40 minutes before Mincha)
Daf HaShavua Sunday 7:45am Live/Zoom
YIS YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our YIS YouTube channel to access all of our shiurim, Torah thoughts and classes.   

 Click here and then subscribe.
Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785