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Weekly Class Schedule

YIS is proud to offer a robust weekly programming schedule filled with a variety of live and on demand classes.


YIS Daf Yomi w/ Rabbi Dr. Gidon Rothstein
Sunday 7:30am, Live Streaming/Zoom.
Monday-Friday 6:15am Live Streaming/Zoom
Women's Tehillim Recitation  9:30am
Tehillim Treasures w/ Rabbi Klinger, 8:00pm

Living by the Code...of Jewish Law
w/ Rabbi Nuri Klinger Tuesday after Shacharit Live Streaming/Zoom.

Torat Rav Kook: Insights on Talmudic Tales relating to Jewish Life and the Jewish Soul w/ Rabbi Morgenstern  Thursday after Shacharit Live Streaming/Zoom
"This Week's Parsha:" Uncovering the Hidden Dimension of the Weekly Torah Portion Friday after Shacharit w/ Rabbi Morgenstern Live Streaming/Zoom
Shabbat Morning  Post-Hashkama Learning Groups:
Insights on the Weekly Parsha, Mishna Berurah w/Dr. Steve Keller
Pirkei Avot w/Richard Bienenfeld Shabbat Afternoon in the Spring/Summer (40 minutes before Mincha)
Daf HaShavua Sunday 7:45am Live/Zoom
YIS YouTube Channel

Subscribe to our YIS YouTube channel to access all of our shiurim, Torah thoughts and classes.   

 Click here and then subscribe.
Tue, February 4 2025 6 Shevat 5785