Youth Mission Statement
Youth Mission Statement
Philosophy and Goals
The Young Israel of Scarsdale believes that children are an integral part of our community and is committed to providing an environment that will enable the children who live in the YIS community the opportunity to grow emotionally, spiritually and religiously. Our goal is to develop our youth into productive members of the greater Jewish community and society at large.
Helping Children Feel Loved and Comfortable
The Young Israel of Scarsdale welcomes and encourages its members to bring their children to services. We recognize that children and their parents come from different religious, educational and ethnic backgrounds. The Synagogue works to create an environment where each child, regardless of his or her background, will feel comfortable; one that is warm, nurturing, fun, meaningful, and accepting for all children. It is the Synagogue’s aim to maintain a relationship with each child so that he or she knows that the Synagogue is a place where he or she will always be welcomed and appreciated.
Building Jewish Pride
The Young Israel of Scarsdale wants to instill in our children a sense of pride in their people, religion and the Land of Israel. We hope to give them a spirit of religious sensitivity and observance accompanied with knowledgeable conviction to actively participate in the Jewish life and assume necessary roles in the Jewish community.
Forging A Life Long Connection With The Jewish People
The Young Israel of Scarsdale believes that empowering children to participate in synagogue services and its rituals will enable them to develop the skills and confidence to comfortably participate in Jewish communal life as adults and thereby learn to cherish involvement in Judaism throughout their lives.
Teaching Respect
The Young Israel of Scarsdale believes that a synagogue is a holy place and that children should be guided to respect the sanctity of the synagogue, its contents and the services that are conducted within.
Wed, March 12 2025
12 Adar 5785
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Today's Calendar
: 6:15am |
Shacharit : 7:00am |
: 7:45am |
Shacharit : 8:00am |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:45pm |
Friday Night
Purim Seudah Extravaganza : 4:45pm |
Candle Lighting : 6:42pm |
Mincha/Maariv : 6:50pm |
Shabbat Day
Hashkama Minyan : 8:15am |
Sephardic Minyan : 9:00am |
Main Shul : 9:00am |
Latest Kriyat Shema : 10:05am |
Mincha : 6:45pm |
Havdalah : 7:43pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 14 Community Purim Seudah Friday, Mar 14 |
Mar 14 Purim Seudah Extravaganza Friday, Mar 14 4:45pm |
Mar 18 Shakespeare & Shiur w/ Rabbi Meir Soloveitchik Tuesday, Mar 18 7:30pm |
Mar 18 Tuesday Night Torah Tuesday, Mar 18 8:30pm |
Mar 25 Tuesday Night Torah Tuesday, Mar 25 8:30pm |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Ki Tisa
Shabbat, Mar 15 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Mar 14, 6:42pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Mar 15, 7:43pm |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |
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